
Stainless steel head use attention

Stainless steel head is simple and accurate, convenient and compound

1 stainless steel head, please measure the head circumference if cylinder processing in advance, please ask the company due to the size of the outer perimeter of

2 please send head circumference quartiles, and seal the head marking in the cylinder and

3 position welding according to this order, tack welding anchor point please customers according to the diameter and thickness optional anchor point

4 position after completion of welding, welding


2. Pay attention to the protection on the surface of the stainless steel head

1.after head and cylinder compound, to clean the weld in a timely mannerHeat affected zone and the slag splash around the contaminants, and inspection and surface pickling of PT

2. Avoid knock against scratches on the surface of the stainless steel head

3. Avoid direct contact with carbon steel, avoid iron ion pollution

4. Not in open air, prevent the rain 

5. Avoid forced compound structure design to prevent constraint stress

6. Hydrostatic test water shall not be greater than 25 mg/L chloride ion content, after test to dry in a timely manner

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Xinjishi Aochun Head Manufacturing Co., Ltd.